Issue #1003 – warn user if SQLite is used with the CreateBatchFiles module (you can’t update a SQLite database that’s open in another process).Issue #1105 – added a keyboard shortcut to toggle between showing objects as outlines or using an alpha-blend of the image and colored object.Issue #1054 – added a button that toggles outlines off and on.Added setting that allows user to create an output image of just the numeric data on a black background (issue #978).Added a preference to optionally save the pipeline and / or file list when saving a project (Issue #1160).Show the group number and index of the image set within the group in the title of module display windows for pipelines that use grouping.The “-o” command-line switch will create the indicated output folder if it doesn’t exist (Issue 1025).If a module is marked as “paused” for test mode and the project or pipeline is saved and reloaded, the module remains marked as “paused” on loading.Use the color-picker setting to pick colors in OverlayOutlines, DisplayDataOnImage and ExportToDatabase.Added an “-omero-credentials” command-line switch to let CellProfiler authenticate with Omero in headless mode (issue #1052).Added ctrl-p shortcut to save the current pipeline to a file.Added a preference that controls the default maximum Java heap size (Issue #787).Better error messages if File -> Open Recent and other try to open a non-existent file (Issue #668).Improved display of notifications when user tries to analyze images, but the project configuration does not produce any image sets (Issue #1055).Issue numbers cited below correspond to those on Github ( ). For brief overviews of each release, see the CellProfiler release notes. This page contains a very detailed list of bugs fixed in each version. This page is now deprecated, future release notes can be found on the releases page and the blog.